How to Heal yourself
Chakras & the Wheels of light
Having an awareness of our chakras, or consciousness bodies of light, helps us to navigate our energetic bodies throughout our lives, and with this awareness we can use healing practices to continually clear our energy and move towards a higher vibrational life.
So how do we do that? Meditation is one way that we can raise our energy to tap into the higher frequency that we originate from. Yoga with yang practices and yin can also balance our energy. We can receive Reiki energy healing and we can also develop our own psychic ability to heal ourselves. Yet before we dive into ways of clearing and healing our energy lets first investigate the many energetic paths that we have in our body, so that we can learn to feel, see, hear, and know these energies.
We have energetic pathways throughout our bodies. In Indian philosophy we call these channels, Nadis, in Traditional Chinese Medicine we call them meridians. Some people say that we have 72,000 nadis and others say that we have over 300,000; needless to say that our bodies are vibrations of energy. It is essential to keep these pathways moving so that our life force or prana is strong. In the practice of TCM it is said that we have 14 major meridians and these meridians form a loop of energy. Each organ has a meridian and in that organ there is a yang and a yin meridian channel. You can think of these pathways as transportation lines and each point on the meridian is like a stop and keeping these lines clear and free of obstacles helps to nourish the organs so that they can remain full of chi or life force.
One way to notice your energy moving is to bring your focus to your breath, when you bring in this high level of concentration you are then able to go into the more subtle aspects of your being to notice the flow of prana.
Another way to feel the chi in your body is during your Yin yoga practice, with the cooling static holds in Yin you can go deep into your prana and feel not only your breath but also your universal life force pulsing through your body. I recently learned the importance of taking rebound poses in between each pose with a long hold, one rebound pose is savasana, in savasana you can lie still and feel the energetic biorhythms in your body, this might feel like a temperature or a pulsing sensation for example.
You also have wheels of light moving up your spine, they start at your tailbone and end at the crown of your head, however there is said to be 22 chakras or wheels of light, but the ones that we will reference are the 7 that are in your body. You can visualize many channels of energy flowing through you and all of these channels connecting and pooling into these energy centers up your spine. Our bodies are energetic bodies, and when we know this and live in this way, our lives become easy, we start to live in synchronicity, with peace and good health.
Now let’s look at all of the consciousness bodies and see how they hold our emotions and attachments, and how they can be a way for us to see our current needs.
Root Chakra: Muladhara
Location: Base of the spine
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Physically: Sexual organs for men, tailbone, legs and feet
Emotionally: Security, taking care of self and others, stability, perserverence and grounding
Sacral Chakra: Svadhisthana
Location: Below Navel
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Physically: Sacral abdomen, Sexual organs for women, urinary tract, kidneys, spleen, blood sugar
Emotionally: Relationship and Emotions, Intimacy and sexuality, Expressing needs emotional and sexual
Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura
Location: Solar plexus
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Physically: Stomach, Liver, gall bladder, Bile and small intestines
Emotionally: Energy and Vitality, Will power, desire and power, personal authority
Heart Chakra: Anahata
Location: Heart center
Color: Green
Element: Air
Physically: Heart, lung, lymph system, immune system, blood pressure, circulation
Emotionally: Balance, love and connection, hope, compassion, positive attitude, trust and sharing
Throat Chakra: Vishuddha
Location: Throat and Neck
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Physically: Throat, Neck, parathyroid, ears, sinus, respiratory system
Emotionally: Communication, healing, creativity, feelings and openness, healing nature, life force
Third Eye Chakra: Ajan
Location: Between eyebrows, third eye center
Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Physically: Brow, autonomic nervous system, eyes, hypothalmus
Emotionally: Intuition and understanding, Clairvoyance, seeing beyond the five senses
Crown Chakra: Sahasrara
Location: Top of the head
Color: Violet
Element: Thought
Physically: Crown, central nervous system, head, cerebral cortex, upper spine, hair
Emotionally: Enlightenment and transcendence, spiritual understanding, cosmic conciousness
Keeping our energy clean and pure, open and vibrating at a high level is how we stay healthy in mind, body and spirit. We must heal and cleanse from all aspects. Our energy body is equally as important to our physical well being. When we experience imbalances they first begin in our energy being.
It is essential to keep our energy at a high vibration. The tools that I mentioned before are needed in everyday life, meditation, yoga, and breath work or pranayama. We must spend time outdoors in the sun, when we are in nature we are taking in cosmic energy and all of this universal life force helps us to take in essential elements to live at a high frequency. Also journaling, creating art, music or singing, brings us into our bliss body and helps us to clear our chakras.
Yet the shadow work and looking at the dark places within and using tools to let go of these deep habitual patterns is our work. We are all here to work through our karmic lessons and when we see our bodies as energetic, we can begin to open up to our unique psychic gifts. We can see and feel if a chakra is closed or blocked and then we can do our practices to find balance. We become our own healers. It is our birth right to live free and in a state of love, we can once again unite with the frequency that we originated from.
Peace, love and light. Namaste