
Yin yoga is a cooling practice that nourishes the nervous system as well as the connective tissues in the physical body. It is a way to stay youthful and vibrant by gently stressing the ligaments, tendons and soft tissues. The poses are mostly focused on the lower body and are mainly seated. Some props are used to support the bones; however, the purpose of Yin yoga is to feel into your edge with some sensation. We will find this healthy edge in a handful of poses with longer holds. Reference to the meridians, the flow of chi and other energetic practices will be offered.


The Hatha style of yoga that I teach is a creative combination of poses linked together in a grounded practice with longer holds. Instead of flowing in between poses we will come back to a key pose as our anchor. Hatha gives us the opportunity to build strength, stamina and flexibility without constant movement, instead we will hold poses for at least 6-8 breaths. Both standing poses and seated poses will be incorporated as well as seated pranayama and meditation.


Vinyasa yoga or flow yoga is a way for us to build heat in the body with shorter holds and more movement. We will begin with sun salutations to build heat and then flow through stages of poses or kramas to build up to a peak pose. We will start seated then progressively increase our heat with standing poses, balancing, back bends, hip openers and then cool down with longer seated poses. In Vinyasa classes we will move all parts of the body in all directions, and have a lot of fun while doing it.


This Bi- monthly group is open for anyone to drop in at any time. The class incorporates breath work and is semi- guided with 20-30 minutes of silence. You will have the opportunity to connect with your higher self and receive any healing and or information that you need. It is very powerful to share space and raise your frequency with others, when we sit in silence as a group, we are often times able to access higher energies. This is one way to heal yourself and to also offer powerful healing in our shared consciousness.