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I combine Hatha and Vinyasa styles into my yoga classes with an opportunity for students to settle their minds, connect deeply to their breath and expand their consciousness.

I also teach Yin where I allow silence and space for students to connect with their subtle energy.


“In the practice of Yoga one can emphasize the body, the mind or the self hence the effort can never be fruitless.


I believe that we all have a spiritual knowing within, and in my classes you will be given the chance to settle into your unlimited potential.

All yoga heals

Similarly, my meditation classes allow students to develop a comfortable seated practice, where they are guided with gentle sound and visual imagery, to arrive in silence where they observe their mental emotional state without attachment, which allows students to slip into the gap of meditation.

About me…I started practicing yoga in 2000 with a very hot and sweaty yoga practice; it was in a small hot room in Seattle with mirrors. Students were directed to hold poses for 30 seconds, and then for one minute, and we held the same 26 poses in each class; some of you might recognize this practice as Bikram. Through the years I have come to respect all of my teachers for the influence that they had on me in the moment. In was in this hot room in Seattle that a spark was ignited, and I would keep going back to the mat, back to yoga, with a deep curiosity for many years to come. It was that initial curiosity, that spark in being, that continues to drive my practice. Yoga helps me to unravel limitations and beliefs as well as release stored emotions and trauma. The transformation that I have experienced on the mat is truly beyond words. It would be similar to describing prana or om… there is no translation, except for the shared knowing of the vast and infinite feeling within.

In 2015 I studied Vinyasa with Lisa Black at Shakti Vinyasa Yoga in Seattle where I received my 200 hour certification. In 2019 I completed my 300 hour certification with Jodi Boone and Tami Hafzalla from Synergy yoga school. I completed a 50 hour training with Leah Adams for my Yin certification in 2021. Further, I have taken trainings in Ayurveda, Yoga Nidra, Restorative yoga, Reiki, and Prenatal yoga.

Yoga is a life path for me and I am excited to share all of my knowledge with you. I teach my own version of a creative Hatha practice as well as a creative Vinyasa flow with roots from my inspired Baptiste training. I also love Yin, I love everything about the practice and am happy that I am finally able to slow down and allow my body to drop into this deep rest and renewal. I teach what I love, and what I practice myself, so this is always evolving with my growth and the seasons. I look forward to sharing all of my deep knowing and ponderings with you as we awaken together.